I am still in awe (and exhaustion) from [K]INK OUT. We, the community of tattoo artists, sex workers, kink & leather folx and our allies, raised over $35,000 to support those sex workers who are most in need. The Daily Beast covered us - their team were with us on Sunday! Slutist published our official press release Saturday afternoon. Tattoodo surprised us by writing an article and promoting it to their 2.2M followers Saturday night. AnimalMag also shot out a sexy and informative article! It was a phenomenal event and if you missed it, keep checking back to this post for more photos and updates. (Post production is slow, as I am gearing up for another big announcement!!) You can also still donate directly to Lysistrata or through Venmo @KinkOut. Lysistrata Mutual Care Collective and Fund (Lysistrata MCCF) is a mutual care fund for sex workers whose livelihoods have been depleted and endangered due to the recent passing of SESTA/FOSTA, bills that take away the online resources sex workers use to work safely.
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